Archives for February 2009


Choosing What To Do Next

With GTD, it is not uncommon to be faced with a list of 100+ next actions all within the same context, especially if most of your day is spent within a certain context (such as @computer). David Allen suggest that the context, time needed and energy required should be used to determine what to do next. But when your list is100+ items long, it can be a daunting proposition to actually make that choice over and over throughout a hectic day. Following are some techniques I have developed to help with this problem.

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Pimp My Twitter Page

Several of my clients recently surprised me by making references to the show Pimp My Ride in context of updating the look and feel of their websites. This idea came to mind again while browsing around Twitter and noticing how cool some people’s profile pages looked, whilst mine… ahem… we’ll let’s just say the shoe maker’s children are always the last to get shoes.

Here are the steps to Pimp Your Twitter page…. we’ll what are you waiting for? Get to pimping!

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Jack “The Father of Uninstall” Bicer’s Productivity Tools List

This is a guest post derived from correspondence I received from Jack Bicer:

Have you ever used a really good application that made a difference in your productivity? Well written software, that does its job well, usually at no cost or low cost. Perhaps not as well known, but filling a real need.

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